Hottest U.S. App Talkie Linked to Chinese Firm

AND Olympic Dream & LeBron James

By Tamara | 27 July 2024
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Start your morning with this affirmation:

Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.

LeBron James Launches Skincare and Haircare Line Now Available at Walmart

Source: ESPN

LeBron James, renowned NBA superstar, is now making waves in skincare and haircare. His new line, The Shop, offers a range of grooming products including face wash, lotion, shampoo, and conditioner, all designed for various hair and skin types. The vegan and cruelty-free products draw inspiration from James’ TV series, where he and guests chat about sports and pop culture in barbershops. The Shop aims to bring the barbershop experience home, encouraging men to prioritize self-care.

Olympic Dream: Phil Wizard’s Journey from Vancouver to Paris

Source: Red Bull

At 27, Phil "Phil Wizard" Kim is a leading figure in breaking, holding multiple world titles and endorsements from Red Bull, Toyota, and Visa. As Vancouver’s top breaker, he will represent Canada in the inaugural Olympic breaking competition.

Phil shared insights on his Paris 2024 preparations, competition outfits, and the Team Canada kit. For him, breaking's Olympic debut is a monumental chance to highlight this unique sport. The first-time Olympian is intensifying his training, balancing physical and mental challenges.

Phil’s driving force is his deep passion for breaking. He values its distinctive blend of individual expression and community. “It’s not just about speed or strength,” he notes, “but about making your performance connect with the judges and audience.”

With a grin, Phil adds, “I feel like I’m living in a really fun game.”

Hottest U.S. App Talkie Linked to Chinese Firm

Source: Google Play

Talkie, a widely used entertainment app providing AI-generated conversations with celebrities like Donald Trump and Taylor Swift or custom romantic partners, has recently gained attention. Despite its English-language interface and Singaporean ownership claims, Talkie's ultimate parent company is Shanghai-based MiniMax, a prominent Chinese tech unicorn often referred to as one of the “Four Little AI Dragons.”

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