Mastering the Inbox as a Spiritual Practice

And Why Do Women Love Bows?

By Maya Hill | December 27, 2023
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Treating email management as a spiritual practice, transforming the often overwhelming task of handling an overflowing inbox into a growth and mindfulness experience.

The approach involves a three-pass method: first, quickly removing unneeded emails, then responding to quick-response emails, and finally focusing on emails requiring longer responses or actions.

Alongside these steps, the emphasis is on setting an expansive intention, practicing joy and trust, and facing resistance with presence and love.

This approach turns email management into an opportunity for deeper engagement and personal growth.

Recently, the trend of sending TikTok videos featuring various objects like pickles, dogs, and more, all tied with pretty ribbons, has become a significant part of social interactions.

These videos, often set to Lana Del Rey's music, are shared among friends as a way of saying, "This is so you."

This trend has evolved into a form of communication, almost like a secret handshake, where tying a ribbon around something mundane transforms it into a shared, unspoken language.

As 2024 approaches, about one-third of people are expected to make New Year's resolutions, many focusing on achieving longer, healthier lives.

Dr. Brett Osborn, a neurologist and longevity expert, notes that despite advances in scientific knowledge, life expectancy is currently at a low.

However, he emphasizes that individuals have the choice to pursue health in 2024 and beyond.

Osborn advises against getting caught up in fleeting wellness trends, instead recommending adherence to five fundamental and proven principles for improved health.

These principles are key to his guidance for the New Year.

What We’re Reading!

The Daily Article - Christians interested in news and Biblical teaching

Morning Brew - Working professionals ages 25+ Location: United States Education: college degree or higher.

The Luxe Linq - For females 25–40 who are interested in fashion, beauty and designer brands.